Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Summer Vacation

swim little ones

You know summer break in Arizona isn't the same as in other regions of the country. We have to fill our summer days escaping the sun! So we spent the hours with swimming lessons, karate class, summer movies and visits to the library. You can go out after dark for a little non-water outdoor activity but mostly people around here stay in doors, or just leave....and go North- anywhere North!

The kids all loved swimming lessons. I tried to schedule them at the earliest times available, because while the offspring were being aquatically educated - #5 and I were melting. We did bring ice water and a spray bottle to spritz ourselves but that half hour was a cooker! We saw fabulous progression from everybody - thanks teen swim instructors!


Little sister and her Eternal family.

this picture just didn't want to be big- I tried.

We (the sweetheart, #5 and I) did a quick trip Home - Idaho way, to attend a momentous event. My youngest sister, spouse and her darlings were sealed together for time and forever more! Oh - the joy! Plus, we were able to meet our new little nephew - who was born in May.

Then in July -

We made the crazy long trek to Idaho for our annual 4th of July Reunion. As usual it was so very much fun and a highlight of the summer. I just can't get enough of those Parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins kids etc. You might have noticed that I didn't mention sisters - well that could be because non of them showed. Pretty lame - but we did get some great quality one on one with the Parentals.

#2 Eating Chow with the Parentals

The Sweetheart hanging with Cute little Daddy

The Whole gang!
#5, #1, the Sweetheart, #2, #3 and #4 hanging in the common area at the Family Reunion.

If you look really close you can see #5, me and my darling Aunts. I sure do love these incredible ladies. If everyone could be so lucky ........

We were camped next to this wilderness hill that the kids kept wanting to hike and explore - So they got all suited up with their tennis shoes, sunglasses and water bottles and even found a courageous good sport to be their escort up the mountain side - and off they went. "Auntie" as she is referred to as by #4 - is seen here displaying their wondrous find. It ended up being the complete skin of a rattle snake - #1 and #3 were thrilled - we the parents - on the other hand thought it wise to halt the hiking excursions and find other less - dangerous activities to do......they were not pleased.

After our 4 days days in the hills - we headed to Boise. I had to get my Idaho fix plus, I wanted to see at least one of my sisters - so my eldest ventured down to bond with us for a few days.

We had so much fun taking out the ol' boat to Lucky Peak-. Most likely the unspoken nick-name of this vessel is"Ol' Reliable" - in the most sarcastic form possible. But on this occasion, to every ones pleasure and surprise - it started right up and we had a delightful afternoon. Every grandchild had the chance to captain the boat and I even tried water skiing after years of not.... I did get up but man "It ain't like it used to be". The kids still thought it was cool - and that's all that matters - right?Now this little photo of #5 and Little Mother on the dock - had a mind of it's own so just tilt and squint - it's worth the effort.

I do have some other really cute photos of this day and Boise - so stay tuned again....because it's so worth waiting for.......

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yes, we're back!

Sorry about the long "missing in action-ness" of this blog. We only have a few visitors but to those few - da da da daw - "We are back!"
I should go back and cover the last six months but . . . .I'm just going to cover summer - which is a good place to start since my kids are going back to school next week = Eeek!
(Ok, so I started this blog entry in August and now it's almost November - terrible!)
So - here we go -
I should tell you that I have the coolest family ever! In January the Sweet Heart and I celebrated 10 years of marriage bliss! Yipeee! For the occasion two of my darling sisters forced us on a week-end get away, while they tended our offspring. They are simply amazing! The Week-end get away was a great reminder of - oh yeah this is why we fell in love!

Here are all the kids and their way cool Aunts after performing our welcome home rap.

Shortly after that fun time, my eldest sister and her spouse showed up on my stairs for a four day visit! Hurrah! Out of all the places to go on their gettaway - they chose to spend it with us!
What an honor! Although I have to tell you that my speechless stare was not quite the reaction big sister was anticipating and wanting. - Sorry - I don't do ultra-shocked in a jumping screaming way -I do ultra-shocked-in a silent stare - what in the world -way. Next surprise I'll do better.

Next, we'll jump to Spring Break Except for the two previous years, tradition has been to go down to Mexico with the Sweethearts family. It is one of the few places where us, as parents, can actually relax on a vacation. The in-laws are dedicated Rocky Point attendees and arranged for beach front spots at our traditional RV park. Along the lovely beach front we set up our econo sized tent, surrounded on three sides by large, fancy professional RVers. We had a marvelous time -besides the fact that all our family, excluding Sweetheart were burned to a crispy red. The beach has such a gradual slope, without strong waves, and being that there were fewer tourists then usual - we were able to bask in the sun and peacefully enjoy the days. We also were able to take a Big boat night ride around the bay, rented a ski doo (for an hour) and borrowed Papa V's Rhino to go all around the sand dunes. And, don't forget all the yummy food and good company.

Auntie D and Papa Tito on a sunset cruise we all went on together.

It is so very fun to cruise the dunes - thanks Papa Tito for letting us use your toy!

It's hard to tell but we're all cooked. #4 there in red could hardly see out of her eyes the next day.
Yes, even the adults enjoyed the ski-du. #5 was the only was who didn't get a turn.

We have come to know that this beach is the best kid entertainment/parent relaxer ever! The beach is huge and has such a gradual slope, with mellow waves.
The girls got the traditional Rocky Point Braids - cute and you don't have to do hair for several days - nice!
After dinner family shot.

Another reason why we love the beach.

Then we enjoyed a lovely summer! I am speaking of the experiences not of the local weather (but I do have to say that this summer, minus the past three weeks , has been the mildest in years.

Summer Begins

Just before school got out -memorial day week-end when we took off to California for an the extended week-end. We had a very nice visit with a great missionary companion of the Spouses, and his family. We also enjoyed a few hours at ----Beach. It was fun. We did have a challenge though trying to find family size parking.

I have to mention that the hotel we stayed at was so cozy - with a bed for everyone, plus a kitchen - and at a SUPER price. You know when you make reservations, one of the questions is not "Do you have 2 adults and five children?"

We also had to spend a day with our dear Aunt Ina and Uncle Blaine. We shared Ina's 85-ish birthday pie and had a wonderful time just visiting with these people we love.

Stay tuned for the actual summer time posting - I am hoping it will be arriving sooner than later.