Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Intended catch up!

Today was planned - inside my head - to be "Catch Up the BLOG" day. But as you can see - hmm, it didn't turn out how I'd envisioned. Man, inside my head I have completed so many things. Some amazing things, yes, but mostly just ordinary normal people accomplishments like....catching up on the family blog. I have a great mental list of my someday completed check off list. They include but are not limited to the following -

1) All the laundry cleaned, folded and put away in two days or at least in the same week.
2) Organizing the cupboards in the hallway and more effectively use the space- like they do at Ikea.
3)Actually have a weekly menu planned out, have the food purchased with coupon and discounts and cook and served planned meals.
4) Have those meals be healthy and not just the tasty high calorie, high fat meals that I love the best.
5)Happily orchestrate the children to complete homework and chores in a timely and joyful manner
6)Write in my journal more than just before the birth of a child or when I am feeling especially overwhelmed. People will think - what an emotional grump!
7)Exercise, read my scriptures and get ready for the day before my kids get up. Only people who are about to be "twinkled" really do this right?
8)The girls room is finally painted after not completing it the entire summer.( 2 walls done, 2 to go)
9)To have exercised 3 days a week, eaten healthy, fitting into clothes that I actually like and not the frumpy middle aged woman -

You know someday I will accomplish these things. It may not be until there's only two of us left in the house but..... it will be must be done.

5 are not afraid to comment:

meg baker said...
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meg baker said...

No worries, I'm sure your the twinkling type. If not we are all in trouble! I'm pretty sure having all those darling children and liking it is the main point right? That's what I'm going for. Plus who really wants their house like IKEA? I get lost in that store! I know exactly where things are in my messy closet. Doesn't that count? However, I do enjoy pictures of your darling children so don't remove that part from your list.

Cammy Patton said...

Here, here! Love the list. I need to do better in all areas as well. P.S. You're already amazing - so don't perfect yourself too much or else we'll all be jealous. :)

Heaton's said...

Hilarious!! I think if the kids are alive and the house still liveable and some sort of something in the kitchen to eat then we have done our job! HAAHA

Jill Oyler said...

Good luck with that list. I basically live alone and I don't do any of those things. I hope you have better luck. Now that I have time, I have no energy, or perhaps I've decided that most of that stuff is just over rated. Yes, I believe I'm going with that motto. I do however believe that you are very close to being the "twinkled" type. Be a little naughty and stay here with the rest of us, OK?